SOU・SOU KYOTO 青山店の茶席にて、京都の春夏秋冬をお楽しみ下さい。
We combine "Tsukinami-e" which is a painting of each season or seasonal events and monthly wagashi, seasonal confection of Kyoto, using best ingredients in that season together.
Please enjoy it feeling the seasons of Kyoto at Japanese tea space in SOU・SOU KYOTO Aoyama store.

“御手洗祭 下鴨神社”
"Textile Name:Mitarashi festival at Shimogamo shrine"
During the Heian period, nobles held an event to pray for their good health and to wash their sins away. This practice has since become widespread even to the commoners.
The participants light candles and wade into the Mitarashi pond. They then proceed to offer the candles, with the water-level below their knees. Small cups of crystal clear water called "Jin-sui" are handed out after they get out of the pond. The water is believed to protect you from disease and we call it miracle-working water for longevity.

文月の月次絵は、下鴨神社・御手洗祭の「足つけ神事」の様子を描いています。御手洗池に膝まで足を浸し、蝋燭の灯明を供え、社までゆっくり歩いて無病息災を祈るもので、 古代の禊ぎの風習に由来しています。
July's painting is "ashituke-shinji"(foot bathing ritual) at Mitarashi festival in Shimogamo Shrine. The participants wade into the Mitarashi pond and walk slowly forward the shrine to offer candles. The event is based on an old custom washing their sins away and praying for their good health. Shimogamo Shrine is birthplace of mitarashi-dango(dumplings with salty-sweet sauce). It is said that mitarashi-dango was created in the image of bubbles in Mitarashi Pond. July's seasonal confections of Kyoto are made resembling the mitarashi-dango. One is covered by salty-sweet sauce mixed with kanten(agar-agar)and browned domyoji-ko, sticky rice steamed and dried out. The other one is added some walnuts to give it crunchy texture and Japanese pepper is sprinkled as an accent.

SOU・SOU KYOTO 青山店"では『京旬菓』とお抹茶(またはコーヒー)をお召し上がり頂けます。

〒107-0062 東京都港区南青山5-4-24 ア・ラ・クローチェ1F
11:00~20:00 ※喫茶ご利用時間 13:00~18:00
We serve a cup of green matcha tea (or choice of coffee) and our wagashi based on our textile design.

Address: 1F, a la croce Bld., 5-4-24, Minamiaoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-0062
Phone +81 (3) 3407-7877
Open 11:00am-20:00pm *The tea space opens 13:00 to 18:00
Open everyday

〒600-8498 京都市下京区四条通堀川東入ル(醒ヶ井角)
9:00~18:00 年中無休
The KAMEYA YOSHINAGA store descended from the famous confectionary Kameya Yoshian, that has the reputation of being one of the best Kyoto gourmet locales and it's fame reaches back to the Edo period when the store was first opened in 1803. Since then they've been in business in Sijo Samegai area in Kyoto till now. The owner of the store is the 7th generation.

Address: Horikawa Higashi-iru (Samegai-kado) , Shijo-dori, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto 600-8498
Phone +81 (75) 221-2005
Open 9:00-18:00 Open everyday